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6-week postnatal check

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Most women recover physically from pregnancy and their baby's birth within 6 weeks.
  • Your doctor or maternity care provider can do your 6-week postnatal check.
  • At your 6-week postnatal check you'll be asked some questions about your physical and mental health.
  • The 6-week check is a chance to talk about any concerns you might have.

What is the 6-week postnatal check?

Normally you will be advised to have a postnatal check 6 weeks after having your baby. The check is usually done by your midwife or doctor.

The 6-week postpartum check is a way to find out how your body has recovered after your pregnancy and baby's birth. Many women have recovered from labour and childbirth after 6 weeks. But this can depend on your birth experience.

The check is also a chance for your doctor or maternity care provider to check on your emotional health and wellbeing. Both your physical and emotional health are important.

You may have had health issues when you were pregnant. Some women have issues like hypertension or gestational diabetes during pregnancy. The 6-week postnatal check is a chance to see if these health issues have gone away.

Who will I have the check with?

In Australia, most 6-week checks are done by your doctor. But it can depend on who supported you through your pregnancy.

Most maternity care providers recommend the postnatal check is done with them.

What physical checks will be done?

Before you have a physical check, your healthcare provider will ask you some questions. These questions will be about how you are feeling.

Your doctor or maternity care provider will check your:

If you're breastfeeding, you may have your breasts and nipples checked.

Your tummy will be felt. This is to check that your uterus has gone back to its correct position in your pelvis.

You may have a vaginal examination and a cervical screening test it you're due for one. You will also be checked for any signs of bladder or bowel prolapse.

Your healthcare provider will also check your perinium, if you're recovering from stitches from a tear or episiotomy. By 6 weeks after birth, the tear or episiotomy should be healed and not painful.

You will be asked if you:

You may also be asked if you have any concerns about yourself or your baby.

What tests and investigations might I have?

You may be advised to have a blood test to check your iron level. This is recommended for women who have lost more than the average amount of blood during birth and afterwards.

You may also have blood tests to check your thyroid function. Sometimes women who've had a baby can get hypothyroidism — this means that your thyroid gland is not working properly.

Why do I need to have a check at 6 weeks?

The 6-week postnatal check can be the first time you have had a chance to talk about yourself. You can talk about how you have recovered after your baby's birth. You can talk about how you are adjusting to being the parent of a new baby.

The first few months of life can be really challenging. Caring for a baby can be very different from what you might expect.

The postpartum check can be a good time to talk about your baby's birth. It can be helpful to talk about any interventions that took place. You will have more time to ask questions about why these were needed. You can find out if they are likely to happen again.

Will my baby also have a health check?

Depending on the length of your appointment, your baby may also be checked. It can help to book a longer appointment so you can both be checked at the same time.

Many doctors will book 'back-to-back' appointments. This means that your baby can be checked on the same day.

If your baby is also seen, they will be examined and weighed. Their head circumference and length will be checked. It's a good idea to take your baby's Personal Health Record book to the appointment.

You may be asked:

You'll also have the chance to talk about any concerns you may have with your baby.

Your baby can also have their first vaccination if they are 6 weeks of age.

What else will be talked about at my 6-week check?

You will have the chance to talk about any concerns you are having about yourself and your baby. it can help to write a list of things before you go to the appointment. The list can help you remember all the things that you want to talk about.

It's likely your doctor will ask if you have thought about having sex again. They might talk to you about contraceptive options.

You may want to discuss any urinary or bowel concerns you have at your 6-week check-up.

When might I need to see the doctor earlier than 6 weeks?

There are some reasons why you should get a check done before 6 weeks. You should see you doctor if you have any of the following:

Remember to ask for advice and support if you need it. Having a new baby is a big change in your life. Your mental and physical health is important.

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Resources and support

After having a baby, it can be helpful to know where to go for extra support and help.

The Continence Foundation of Australia has a list of continence resources. Some women have problems with incontinence in the early weeks and months of having their baby.

ForWhen is a mental health support service for expecting and new parents.

PANDA is a service which supplies support for parents experiencing issues with mental health and wellbeing. One in five new mums and up to 1 in 10 new dads will experience postnatal depression and anxiety.

The Australasian Birth Trauma Association assists women who need support with emotionally healing after a traumatic birth. Talking about your baby's birth can help to heal birth trauma and disappointment. This is important if you feel that the birth did not go the way you would have liked it to.

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