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Breech pregnancy

12-minute read

Key facts

  • A breech position is when your baby is lying with their bottom or feet facing the birth canal.
  • A breech position is common earlier in pregnancy — most babies move into a head-down position before the last month of pregnancy.
  • Your doctor or midwife will know if your baby is breech by feeling your abdomen or performing an ultrasound.
  • If your baby is still breech towards the end of pregnancy, a procedure called external cephalic version (ECG) can help turn your baby to a head-down position.
  • If your baby is breech, a caesarean birth may be safer, but you might consider a vaginal breech birth under certain conditions.

What does ‘breech’ mean?

A breech position is when your baby is lying with their bottom or feet facing your cervix (entrance of the womb). It is common and normal for a baby to be in a breech position until about 35 to 36 weeks of pregnancy.

Most babies turn to a head-down (cephalic) position before the last month of pregnancy. About 3 in every 100 babies are still lying in a breech position at the end of pregnancy.

How will I know if my baby is in the breech position?

Your doctor or midwife will feel your abdomen (tummy) at around 36 weeks of pregnancy to check your baby’s position.

If your doctor or midwife suspects that your baby might be in breech position, they may refer you for an ultrasound scan to confirm.

What does the breech position look like?

There are a few different types of breech positions:

The 3 most common types of breech positions: footling breech, complete or flexed breech and frank or extended breech.

What does breech position mean for my baby?

Most babies lie in a breech position until late pregnancy. If you have an uncomplicated pregnancy, no extra care will be needed for a baby in a breech position until you reach about 37 weeks gestation.

If your baby is in a breech position at the start of labour, a vaginal birth can more challenging and risky. There is a higher chance that labour won’t progress as expected and that you will need a caesarean section. There’s also a chance that your baby’s head will get stuck in the birth canal after their body is born — a medical emergency that needs urgent treatment.

If your baby is born from a breech position, they have a higher risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). They will usually be referred for an ultrasound of their hips to check for this condition after 6 weeks of age.

If there are no complications, a vaginal breech birth does not affect usually your baby’s long-term health.

Why might my baby remain in a breech position?

Your baby may stay in a breech position because:

Your doctor or midwife may consider why your baby is in breech position. There isn’t always a clear reason.

Can my baby still turn after 36 weeks?

Most babies in breech position naturally turn themselves into a head down position by the last month of pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, the likelihood of this happening decreases.

Is there anything I can do to make my baby turn?

If your baby is in breech position, your doctor or midwife might suggest an external cephalic version (ECV) after 37 weeks.

An ECV is a procedure in which a specialist doctor tries to turn your baby to a head-down position. An ECV is not suitable for everybody. There is no guarantee that it will work. There is also a small chance your baby will turn back to a breech position after a successful ECV.

It is a good idea to discuss together with your doctor or midwife the benefits and risks involved in an ECV and if it is right for you.

Alternative therapies such as doing exercises in certain positions, chiropractic treatments and moxibustion (a form of Chinese medicine) are sometimes used to turn babies. However, there is no scientific evidence to prove that these methods are effective.

What are my options for birth, if my baby stays in breech position?

If your baby does not turn, you will have 2 options:

  1. Plan an elective caesarean birth.
  2. Try to have a vaginal breech birth.

An elective (planned) caesarean is safer for your baby than a vaginal birth in the short term. In the longer term their health will be similar with either one of these methods.

If you decide you want to try a vaginal breech birth, your healthcare team will discuss your options with you. Around 4 in 10 people planning a vaginal breech birth end up needing an emergency caesarean. If this happens to you, your risk of complications will be higher than if you had an elective caesarean.

Some medical factors that influence if you can safely have a vaginal birth if your baby is in breech position are:

It’s important that you discuss your options with your obstetrician or midwife.

What are the safety risks of a vaginal breech birth?

If your waters break and you have been told that your baby is not head-first, seek medical help immediately by calling triple-zero (000) and asking for an ambulance.

If your baby is born bottom-first, their head, which is their largest part of their body, is the last to come out. There is a chance that their head or arms may not follow easily once their body is born. This can put them at risk of:

If your waters break when your baby is not head-first, there is also a higher risk of cord prolapse. This is an emergency.

What is involved in a vaginal breech birth?

If you are planning a vaginal breech birth, because of the higher risks involved for your baby, your midwife or doctor will make sure that:

You may want to find out whether the hospital has cordless, waterproof monitoring equipment, as this will help you remain more upright and mobile during labour. Waterproof monitoring equipment also means that you use the bath or shower for pain management during labour, even with continuous monitoring.

Your options for pain relief during labour will usually be the same as with a non-breech birth.

In some situations, your health team may recommend that you give birth while lying on your back for a vaginal breech birth. Your obstetrician or midwife may ask you to birth in a different position, if they are more comfortable helping you in certain positions.

It’s important that your obstetrician or midwife is close by in case you need help during the birth. If your progress during labour slows down, your doctor or midwife has techniques to help your baby to be born vaginally. Sometimes an emergency caesarean section is the safest option for you and your baby.

Read more about making a birth plan.

Can I have a vaginal breech birth at any hospital?

Hospitals offering vaginal breech birth need doctors and midwives on staff with the skills and experience to assist a vaginal breech birth and manage any complications. Not all hospitals have these resources, so if you are planning a vaginal breech birth, it’s important to prepare in advance.

If your doctor, midwife or hospital can’t support a vaginal breech birth, and it’s important to you, you can ask them to refer you to another health service.

Read more about having a baby in hospital.

What should I discuss with my doctor or midwife?

Here are some examples of questions you may want to ask your doctor or midwife:

It is important you discuss your options with your doctor or midwife.

Together with your doctor or midwife, you will consider your values, preferences, and medical situation to make the right decision for you. This way you can make an informed decision. This is called shared decision making.

Read more about understanding informed consent and your rights when having a baby.

What if I am planning a home birth and my baby is breech?

If your baby is breech and you are planning a home birth, discuss options for your care with your midwife or doctor.

A planned homebirth is only considered safe if your baby is head-first.

If your baby is breech when you go into labour, it is safest to give birth at a hospital with staff experienced in supporting vaginal breech births, and facilities for an emergency caesarean. Your midwife may be able to continue supporting you during your birth in hospital and after you go home. This will depend on the arrangement between your midwife and the hospital.

Read more about choosing where to give birth.

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