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Common childhood rashes
12-minute read
If you think your child might have meningococcal rash, go to the nearest emergency department right away. If your child has a seizure, call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance.
Key facts
- There are many different types of childhood rashes.
- Many childhood rashes are not serious.
- If your child has a rash and fever, they should see their doctor.
- If your child has a meningococcal rash, go immediately to the emergency department.
Meningococcal rash
If you think your child might have meningococcal rash, go to the nearest emergency department immediately.
You can read more about serious childhood rashes.
Rashes with no fever or itching
Milia (blocked oil glands)
Up to 1 in every 2 newborn babies develop small white spots called milia on their face, especially on the nose. These are just blocked pores, and they're not itchy or contagious. They usually clear up without treatment within a few weeks.
Erythema toxicum
Many newborns develop a blotchy red skin reaction called erythema toxicum, which can appear between 2 days and 2 weeks after birth. Flat, red patches or small bumps often first appear on the face and spread to the body and limbs. The rash is harmless, not contagious, and will clear after a few days or a week without treatment.
Baby acne
Some babies get pimples on their cheeks and nose in the first 3 months of life. These pimples normally disappear without any treatment, usually within a few months.
Nappy rash
Nappy rash is inflammation of the skin in the nappy area. It can look red, sore and inflamed. Nappy rash is usually caused by urine (wee) or faeces (poo) irritating the skin.
To avoid nappy rash, keep the nappy area clean and dry with frequent nappy changes and nappy-free time. You can help protect the skin by putting on a barrier cream such as zinc or soft white paraffin at each nappy change.
Persistent nappy rash can be treated with a medicated cream. Don't use talcum powder or antiseptics to treat nappy rash. If your baby develops a fungal infection, you'll need to use an antifungal ointment. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
Erythema multiforme (minor)
Erythema multiforme is a rash triggered by an infection (most commonly herpes simplex virus), medicine or an illness. Your baby might feel unwell or have a mild fever before the rash appears. Red spots develop on the hands, feet, arms and legs and spread symmetrically across both sides of the body. The spots often become raised or blistered and then develop into classic target-like lesions.
Erythema multiforme is not contagious, and usually resolves without treatment in 3 - 6 weeks.
Keratosis pilaris (‘chicken skin')
Keratosis pilaris is a harmless condition where the skin becomes rough and bumpy, as if permanently covered in goose pimples. These bumps most commonly occur on the upper arms and thighs. While the rash is not dangerous or contagious, moisturising regularly can help it resolve.
Rashes that might be itchy
Eczema (Atopic dermatitis)
Eczema is a very common skin condition affecting 1 in 3 Australians. It causes the skin to become itchy, red, dry and cracked, often in the creases at the knees and elbows.
Eczema commonly starts before a baby is 12 months old. Eczema follows a relapsing-remitting course. This means that there are flare-ups of the rash, followed by periods where there is no rash or a minimal rash.
Eczema management includes preventative treatment such as avoiding skin irritants, moisturising regularly and using bath oil. Treatment of flare-ups includes using steroid and anti-inflammatory creams as per your doctor's instructions.
Ringworm (tinea)
Ringworm is a common, contagious skin infection that causes a ring-like red rash with a clear centre. It commonly occurs on the scalp, feet and groin, but it can appear almost anywhere on the body.
Ringworm is caused by a fungus, not a worm, and is usually treated with over-the-counter antifungal creams. You should keep your child home from childcare or school until a day after you have started treatment, to prevent spreading the infection.
Prickly heat (heat rash)
Heat rash might appear if your baby gets hot in a humid environment. The rash shows as tiny red bumps or blisters on the skin, which can be very itchy. Cooling your baby down and avoiding humidity is the best way to prevent heat rash, which usually clears within 2 - 3 days without treatment.
Impetigo (school sores)
Impetigo is a highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin. It causes red sores and blisters that form a yellow crust. It is very common in children aged 2 - 6, and it is not usually serious in this age group, but it can be dangerous for newborn babies.
If your child has impetigo, you should see your doctor, they might prescribe an antibiotic cream, ointment or tablet. This should clear the infection within 7 - 10 days. Keep your child home from childcare or school and away from young babies until the sores have dried up. This usually happens a few days after treatment starts.
Hives (urticaria)
If you or someone near you has symptoms of anaphylaxis (severe allergic reaction), call triple zero (000) and ask for an ambulance. After that, use an adrenaline autoinjector (Epipen or Anapen) if one is available. Continue to follow the steps of an ASCIA allergy action plan if the person has one.
Hives is a raised, red, itchy rash. It commonly occurs on the chest, stomach and back, as well as the throat and limbs, but it can appear on any part of the body. Hives usually disappears within a few days without any treatment. You can take antihistamines to relieve itching. If the rash doesn't go away, you should see your doctor.
Hives isn't usually serious, but it can be a sign of a more serious allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). If your child develops hives after eating, or together with other symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness or trouble breathing, you should seek urgent medical attention.
Pityriasis rosea
Pityriasis rosea is a mild skin rash that sometimes appears after a sore throat, cold or fever. It begins with a single pink or tan coloured patch on the chest or back. Red, oval-shaped patches, which may be itchy, then appear on the chest or back and limbs over the next weeks.
The exact cause of pityriasis rosea is unclear, and it is not thought to be contagious. The rash usually clears up within a few months without treatment.
If you are pregnant, pityriasis rosea can lead to complications in rare cases. See your doctor if you are pregnant and have contact with a child who has pityriasis rosea.
Molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that is spread by skin-to-skin contact or by sharing swimming pool water, bath water or towels.
Molluscum contagiosum spots look like pimples and grow into round pearly white lumps, usually 2 - 5mm in size. They can be itchy. They usually heal without treatment within 6 months, but may take longer.
Rashes with fever
Slapped cheek disease (fifth disease)
Slapped cheek disease is a viral infection that mainly affects pre-school and school-age children. It typically causes a bright red rash on both cheeks that spreads as a ‘lacy' rash on the body and limbs. Occasionally, it causes a fever.
Slapped cheek disease is usually mild and clears up in a few days without treatment. The child is contagious before the rash appears, but not once it has appeared.
If you are pregnant and catch the virus, it may cause a type of anaemia in your unborn baby. It can also cause miscarriage. If you suspect you or your child has slapped cheek disease, you should avoid contact with people who might be pregnant.
Hand, foot and mouth disease
Hand, foot and mouth disease is a mild but highly contagious viral illness. It causes a rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet and blisters in the mouth. It is not the same as the foot-and-mouth disease that affects farm animals.
The disease is common in childcare and kindergartens. Your child might feel unwell and have a fever. They may have blisters on the hands and feet, in the mouth and in the nappy area. The illness usually lasts about 7 - 10 days. Children with hand, foot and mouth disease should stay away from childcare or school until all the blisters have dried up.
Hand, foot and mouth disease usually resolves on its own without complications. In rare cases, it can be more serious, especially if you have a weakened immune system or are pregnant. Complications can include infections of the brain and heart muscle, as well as miscarriage.
Roseola infantum
Roseola infantum is a contagious viral infection that can cause cold-like symptoms and a high fever. The high fever may last for a few days. Roseola infantum can also cause some children to have a febrile convulsion (seizure).
Children with roseola infantum develop a rash after the fever has resolved. The rash looks like raised pink spots that start on the chest, stomach and back and spread to the limbs. The condition is contagious before the rash appears, but not after. The rash usually lasts 3 - 5 days.
Febrile convulsions can look scary, but are generally not harmful.
If your child has a seizure, call triple zero (000) immediately and ask for an ambulance.
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When should I see my doctor?
Many babies develop a skin rash in their first days or weeks of life as their sensitive skin adapts to a new environment. Most rashes are harmless and go away on their own, but if your baby seems unwell, or if you're worried, you should see your doctor. They can advise about the cause and whether treatment is necessary.
Whatever their age, you should take your child to the doctor if they have a rash and persistent high fever, cold or cough symptoms or swollen neck glands.
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How are common childhood rashes treated?
Many childhood rashes go away on their own and don't require any treatment at all. Other rashes require treatment with various medicines including ointments and creams. If your child has a rash, discuss treatment options with your doctor.
If you child has a fever as well as a rash you can use paracetamol or ibuprofen (in babies aged over 3 months) to reduce fever. Read the packet instructions carefully to ensure your child receives the right dose for their age and weight.
Your pharmacist can also advise you on treating the symptoms of common rashes. For example, you can use over-the-counter creams to prevent itchiness.
If you think your child might be contagious, they should stay at home. Keep them away from school, childcare and other children. You should also keep them away from people who are pregnant, or who might be pregnant, since some childhood infections can cause serious problems in unborn babies.
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Resources and support
See the Royal Children's Hospital website for more information on various childhood rashes.
Do you prefer to read in languages other than English?
The Royal Children's Hospital provides information on pain relief for children - the use of paracetamol and ibuprofen in various community languages.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.