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Sleep patterns for toddlers

8-minute read

Key facts

  • Sleep is important for your toddler’s growth and development.
  • Children have different sleep cycles to adults — they have lighter, less regular sleep.
  • The amount of sleep your toddler needs can change, and it can vary from child to child.
  • You can help your child get enough sleep by following a regular sleep routine.

Why is sleep important for my child?

Getting a healthy night’s sleep is important for your toddler’s growth and development. Good sleep can keep your child healthy.

If they are well rested, your toddler will have the energy to:

If your child does not get enough sleep, this can impact their health and wellbeing.

Poor sleep may also impact your child later in their life. Your child may have a higher chance of:

How do child sleep patterns differ from adult sleep patterns?

When we sleep, we go through cycles of light and deep sleep.

When your child is in a deep sleep, they will usually breathe steadily. They may keep still while sleeping. They may also jerk their arms and legs.

When they are in a light sleep, they might be restless, make noise, or even wake up.

The amount of time spent in light and deep sleep changes as we grow up.

The sleep cycles of infants last for about 20 to 50 minutes. They spend about half of their sleep in a light sleep.

Adults have longer sleep cycles, lasting about 90 minutes. Adults spend less time in light sleep.

As your toddler grows up, they will:

By the time your child is 3 years old, only a third of their sleeping time will be light sleep. By the time your child is 5 years old, their sleep patterns will be the same as yours.

What is a normal sleep pattern for my child?

As your child grows up, their sleep patterns will change. This means that they might wake and sleep at different times. Your child’s sleeping pattern will change as they:

The amount of sleep your child needs can change with their age, health and daily activities.

Different children may need different amounts of sleep.

Younger than 1 year

If your child is under 1 year old, they may spend 12 to 18 hours asleep each day. This can include:

At night, it’s normal for your infant to wake up at least once. Each sleep may last for around 2 hours.

As your baby grows, they will nap less during the day and sleep for longer. They will also start to learn to settle themselves back to sleep.

You can read more about baby sleep patterns.

1 to 3 years old

When your toddler is aged 12 months to 3 years old, they will begin sleeping for longer. They should sleep for a total of 11 to 14 hours every day, including:

It’s common for toddlers to wake up at night. If your child wakes up at night, they may need your help to get back to sleep.

3 to 5 years old

Once your child is 3 years old, they should get 10 to 13 hours of sleep.

They may nap once a day or stop napping. If your child is still napping at 3 to 5 years old, don’t worry. Different children grow out of daytime naps at different times.

As your child gets closer to 5 years old, they:

How can I make sure my child is getting enough sleep?

Your toddler may be having trouble sleeping if they:

If you are concerned about your child’s sleeping patterns, you can visit your doctor.

There are things you can do to help your child build good sleep habits and get enough rest.

Read more about sleep tips for children.

Establish a sleep routine

Having regular times for going to sleep and waking up can help your child’s body clock follow a regular sleep pattern.

Having a bedtime routine the includes calming activities can help your child fall asleep more quickly and sleep better.

Your child’s bedtime routine can include activities like:

Create a safe sleep environment

If your child’s sleeping space is safe and comfortable, it may help them sleep. Make sure their room is cool, quiet and dark. If your child needs a night light to feel comfortable, choose a red light.

Spending time with your toddler can help them feel safe, loved and calm. You can:

If your toddler is crying, leaving them to cry is not recommended. This does not teach them how to calm down. It can also impact your child’s emotional wellbeing and make them less likely to come to you for support later in life.

Watch for cues

Your toddler may not realise when they are getting tired. Watch for cues in your child to know when to settle them for sleep.

Signs your toddler might be ready for sleep include if they are:

Keep active

Being active and getting outside can also help your child sleep.

Children who are inactive and who don’t get enough natural sunlight may have trouble sleeping.

Things to avoid

To help your child get enough sleep, they should avoid:

Your child should not drink caffeine (including coffee, tea or cola).

Your toddler should also avoid electronic devices for at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. Blue light from devices can disrupt their sleep.

Common sleep disorders in children

Your toddler may experience sleep disorders like:

Many children will grow out of these things, but they can become a problem. There are ways you can manage these issues. You can learn more about managing sleep problems in children.

If you are concerned your child may have a sleeping problem, visit your doctor.

Waking and settling

Waking up in the night is normal for toddlers. However, it can impact your child’s sleep. Difficulty settling can also impact your child’s rest. Your child may be:

If your toddler has a regular sleep routine and is experiencing these things, you can speak to your doctor or child health nurse.


Sleepwalking and sleep talking are common and normal in children as they grow.

If your child sleepwalks or sleep talks, they may not remember it when they wake up.

Your child may:

If your child sleepwalks, you can keep them safe by:

Nightmares and night terrors

If your child has scary dreams or nightmares, they may wake up suddenly and be upset, or shout or call for you but not be able to ‘see’ you.

You can comfort them by:

You should also make sure your child feels safe during the day. Nightmares can be worse if they are tired, unwell or stressed.

If your child is going through a stressful change, such as learning to use the toilet, delay this for a while. This can help your child to get their sleep pattern back on track.

Restless leg syndrome

Restless leg syndrome causes pain in your child’s legs, while your child is resting. This can impact their sleep.

Resources and support

For more information on toddlers and sleep, you can visit:

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

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