Stretch marks in pregnancy
6-minute read
Key facts
- Stretch marks are red, pink or purple lines that appear on your skin when it’s stretched.
- It’s common to get stretch marks during pregnancy, usually on your abdomen (tummy), thighs and breasts, but also in other areas.
- Stretch marks won’t disappear, but they will fade over time.
- If stretch marks bother you, there are some treatments that may help.
What are stretch marks?
Stretch marks (also called striae) are most common on the skin of your abdomen (tummy). They can also appear on your thighs, breasts, hips and upper arms.
Around 9 out of 10 people will develop stretch marks during pregnancy.
What are the symptoms related to stretch marks?
Stretch marks are red, pink or purple lines that can appear on your skin.
Sometimes, stretch marks can feel itchy when they first appear.
While your stretch marks won’t go away after your baby is born, they will fade with time. Eventually, they will become silver or white and less noticeable.
What causes stretch marks during pregnancy?
When your skin is stretched, changes occur in the deep layers of your skin, forming stretch marks. When a stretch mark first develops, there are more blood vessels and some inflammation (swelling) in the area. This causes the change in colour.
Stretch marks are more likely to appear if you gain weight quickly. They often appear in the third trimester of pregnancy as your tummy gets bigger, and because of hormone changes in your body.
When should I see my doctor or midwife?
If you are concerned about stretch marks in pregnancy, talk to your doctor or midwife at your next antenatal appointment.
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How are stretch marks diagnosed?
Your doctor or midwife will be able to identify stretch marks by looking at your skin.
How are stretch marks treated?
Stretch marks aren't harmful, so you don’t need to treat them.
If they bother you, there are some treatments you can try.
Stretch marks respond more to treatment when they’re new and red. Unfortunately, there’s no treatment that can totally get rid of stretch marks.
Treatments for red stretch marks
The following treatments can be helpful for red stretch marks:
- pulsed dye laser — this is the most effective treatment and usually takes 3 to 5 sessions
- vitamin A cream — used together with laser therapy
- other forms of laser
The best treatment is a combination of laser therapy and vitamin A cream. However, prescription vitamin A creams such as tretinoin can be harmful for your baby. They should NOT be used while you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
Treatments for white stretch marks
By the time your stretch marks turn white, they will be harder to treat. Here are some things you can try:
- laser therapy
- skin needling
- vitamin A cream
Be careful when getting treatments for stretch marks. They may not work or may be harmful for you or your baby.
Always check with your doctor, midwife or pharmacist before using creams during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
You can also call 1300 MEDICINE (1300 633 424) from anywhere in Australia, to check if a medicine or an active ingredient is safe for use in pregnancy.
Self-care at home
You can try massaging your skin with oils or creams that are safe in pregnancy. This won’t stop you getting stretch marks, but it can make your skin feel soft.
Most non-prescription skincare products are safe in pregnancy because they are rubbed into the skin and not swallowed. Some creams may be harmful to your baby so it’s important to check with your pharmacist before you use a product
Don’t buy skincare products if you can’t be sure which ingredients are in them. This is especially important if you buy products online.
As always, it’s important to use sunscreen to protect your skin when you’re out in the sun. Sunscreen is safe to use in pregnancy.
Can pregnancy stretch marks be prevented?
There are no skin products that have been scientifically proven to prevent stretch marks.
Stretch marks are more likely to develop if you gain weight quickly. It’s important to eat healthily and exercise when you’re pregnant, to help avoid gaining more weight than you need to.
Recommended weight gain in pregnancy
The average person gains between 11.5kg and 16kg of weight during pregnancy. But how much weight you gain during your pregnancy depends on your weight pre-pregnancy, and other factors.
Complications of stretch marks
Sometimes a very itchy rash can start in or around stretch marks on your abdomen. This is called polymorphic eruption of pregnancy and it affects 1 in 160 pregnant women. It will go away 4 to 6 weeks after your baby is born.
Rarely, if you have a lot of stretch marks, injury to the area can cause a skin tear or wound.
Resources and support
Talk to your doctor if you have questions about stretch marks in pregnancy.
Read more about skin changes during pregnancy.
Learn more about how your body changes during pregnancy.
Speak to a maternal child health nurse
Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.