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Caring for a child with Down syndrome

6-minute read

Key facts

  • Down syndrome is a chromosomal condition that is present at birth.
  • People with Down syndrome have mild to moderate intellectual disability and some health issues.
  • If you're caring for a child with Down syndrome, you might face some different challenges to other parents.
  • Children with Down syndrome can go to a mainstream school.

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a common chromosomal condition causing mild to moderate intellectual disability. It is a congenital anomaly (difference present at birth).

People with Down syndrome can also look different from other people and have some health issues.

How do I care for my baby with Down syndrome?

Before the birth

You might find out your baby has Down syndrome before they are born.

It's important to talk with your doctors and midwives about what this means. They will help you plan your birth, and tell you about what might happen after your baby is born.

After your baby is born

Your baby will need some tests to check their:

This might mean you and your baby need to stay in hospital a little longer than usual.

Most babies with Down syndrome can breastfeed. Your doctor and midwife will talk to you about anything special you might need to do.

As with any newborn, your baby will most need your love and care.

How does Down syndrome affect my child's growth and development?

Each child with Down syndrome will have a different experience. Some children will require more support than others. It is important to provide care and support from a young age to help your child reach their full potential.

Once your child is home, regular check-ups with your family doctor are important. Your doctor will provide you with advice on how to manage any medical concerns. They can also refer you to specialists.

Children with Down syndrome are likely to have some delays with crawling, walking and talking.

You can help your child develop by getting early intervention such as:

  • physiotherapy — to help your child gain the muscle tone needed for crawling and walking
  • occupational therapy — to help with fine motor skills, co-ordination, and sensory issues
  • speech therapy — to help develop effective communication skills, speech and language development and support for feeding and swallowing difficulties

Talk to your child's therapists and learn how you can work together to help your child.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

Developing communication skills

You can also help your child's communication skills develop by:

  • listening, singing and talking
  • kissing, cuddling, laughing and playing games that involve touch and movement
  • use of exaggerated facial expressions to have fun together

You can ask your speech therapist about learning key word signs. The use of hand gestures to communicate with your child can help language development.

Helping your child to communicate will help prepare them for school and other social activities.

How do I prepare my child for school if they have Down syndrome?

You should speak to the school about how they can best support your child. Local Down syndrome associations can also help educate staff when your child starts school.

The transition to school can be difficult for any child. You can help them adjust and get ready for school by:

  • visiting the school
  • speaking about school openly and positively
  • practicing getting them dressed
  • encouraging them to carry their own school bag
  • helping them make some friends before their first day

Experiencing support in a school environment can help your child feel accepted. Growing up around other children with disabilities can also help other students to be more inclusive.

What support is available for families living with Down syndrome?

Raising a child with Down syndrome can be very rewarding, but also very challenging.

Support is important for the parents and families of a person with Down syndrome. Try to build a strong support network of family, friends, community groups and service providers.

It can help to connect with other families that have a child with Down syndrome. They can be a great source of support. Try your local branch of Down Syndrome Australia. These associations can provide information services that include:

  • information and advice about Down syndrome
  • new parent packs
  • home visits
  • information about local support groups
  • online support groups for you and your family
  • workshops and webinars
  • translated resources in other languages including Chinese, Arabic, Hindi and Vietnamese.

Feeling supported and informed will put you in the best position to care for your child.

Financial support

If you have a child with Down syndrome you might be eligible for financial assistance. This can help you access support networks and early intervention services.

Funding for supports is available through the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Resources and support

Down Syndrome Australia provides support, information and resources for people with Down syndrome and their families across Australia.

Key Word Sign Australia can help you find a workshop to learn signing with your child.

Call their national phone number on 1300 881 935 and ask for your local Down syndrome organisation.

Visit the Carer Gateway to find information on practical, emotional and financial support for carers in Australia.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: November 2023

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Need more information?

New Parent Services – Down Syndrome Australia

Services and support for new parents The Down Syndrome Federation provides a range of information and supportive services…

Read more on Down Syndrome Australia website

What is Down syndrome? – Down Syndrome Australia

Down syndrome is a genetic condition and is also sometimes known as trisomy 21. You can find out more about Down syndrome below. You can also turn on the Easy Read for this page.

Read more on Down Syndrome Australia website

Prenatal Services – Down Syndrome Australia

Prenatal services and supports When a diagnosis of Down syndrome has been made, parents need accurate and current…

Read more on Down Syndrome Australia website

Down syndrome and family support - Better Health Channel

For a person with Down syndrome, being included in all aspects of family life can lead to a successful life within the community.

Read more on Better Health Channel website

What it's like to Receive an Unexpected Result - Prenatal Screening

Support through the Down Syndrome Queensland support service is available for any prospective parent, health care professional, community service, carer or family members supporting someone who has received unexpected news about their pregnancy

Read more on Prenatal Screening - Down Syndrome Queensland website

DSA Prenatal Testing Factsheet - Prenatal Screening

Support through the Down Syndrome Queensland support service is available for any prospective parent, health care professional, community service, carer or family members supporting someone who has received unexpected news about their pregnancy

Read more on Prenatal Screening - Down Syndrome Queensland website

Maternity Consumer Network Patient Information Brochure - Prenatal Screening

Support through the Down Syndrome Queensland support service is available for any prospective parent, health care professional, community service, carer or family members supporting someone who has received unexpected news about their pregnancy

Read more on Prenatal Screening - Down Syndrome Queensland website

Down Syndrome Health Record App

Health record app is for parents and support people of children with Down syndrome that assists them to record and monitor their child’s health, growth and development.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

FAQs – Down Syndrome Australia

Here are some frequently asked questions about Down syndrome. This page has an Easy Read option.

Read more on Down Syndrome Australia website

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a condition caused by 3 copies of chromosome 21. People with Down syndrome may have physical and intellectual disabilities.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

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