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Children and glasses

7-minute read

Key facts

  • It’s recommended that all children get their eyes checked by an optometrist before they start school, then every 2 to 3 years through primary and secondary school.
  • Vision problems may be diagnosed with an eye test — you don’t need a referral to get an eye test with an optometrist.
  • Treatment of vision problems may include wearing glasses all or some of the time, such as for reading.
  • It might take your child a little while to get used to wearing glasses, but it’s important for their long-term vision that they wear them as advised by their optometrist.

When should children get their eyes checked?

It’s recommended all children get their eyes checked by an optometrist before they start school, then every 2 to 3 years throughout primary and secondary school. You don’t need a referral from your doctor to get an eye test with an optometrist.

Could my child have a vision problem?

In Australia, a baby's eyes are checked shortly after they're born. However, their eyes develop quickly, and vision problems can emerge as they grow. It can be difficult to tell if your child has a vision problem. Young children assume that what they see is normal, and they may not tell you if they’re having trouble. That’s why regular visits to an optometrist are important.

If your child is not seeing well, they may:

  • squint or partially close their eyes to see things in the distance or close up
  • sit very close to the television or computer, or hold books close to their eyes to see
  • tell you they can't see the whiteboard or screen at school
  • rub their eyes a lot or complain of sore eyes
  • appear to strain to see things clearly
  • experience headaches

Managing vision problems in young children

Vision problems are diagnosed with an eye test. In young children, optometrists use symbols and pictures to test near and distance vision. If a child can’t understand the tests, they may be shown different sized stripes.

Your child’s peripheral vision — what they can see outside of their field of vision when they’re looking straight ahead — will also be tested.

How a vision problem is treated depends on the problem. Treatment may include wearing glasses all or some of the time (for example, for reading). Older children may be able to use contact lenses.

If your child has vision problems, you’ll need to have your child’s eyes checked regularly especially as, their vision can get worse or improve over time.

If your optometrist prescribes glasses for your child, it’s best to get them as soon as possible. After a certain age, some problems can’t be corrected, and it may result in permanent vision loss that can’t be resolved with glasses.

How do I pay for my child’s eye tests and glasses?

Some states and territories offer free vision screening programs to children at around 3 or 4 years of age. You can ask your child health nurse or preschool if this is offered where you live. Medicare covers eye tests for children by an optometrist once every 3 years.

Medicare does not cover glasses or contact lenses, but you might be able to access state or territory schemes.

Not all optometrists bulk bill. Ask your optometrist if you will have any out of pocket costs when you make your appointment.

Private health insurance with optical benefits cover may subsidise prescription glasses or contact lenses. If you are unsure of your private health rebate, contact your private health insurer.

Tips for wearing glasses

It might take your child a little while to get used to wearing glasses. But it’s important for their long-term vision that they wear them as advised by their optometrist.

Ensure glasses fit properly

The first step is to make sure your child’s glasses fit well. Ensure they’re comfortable – not too tight or loose – and that your child can see through them clearly.

If the glasses start to slip off, or your child is having trouble seeing well, go back to the optometrist, and they can adjust the glasses.

Choose durable glasses

It’s a good idea to select strong, durable frames and scratch-resistant lenses. If you can, buy a back-up pair in case the first pair gets lost or damaged.

Find role models

If your child doesn’t want to wear their glasses, point out that a lot of people wear glasses. Show them role models they know who wear glasses — such as relatives, friends, public figures, book characters, musicians or actors. Even Harry Potter wears glasses!

Introduce glasses slowly

You can ‘introduce’ the glasses gradually, through a part of your child’s routine they enjoy, such as reading a book, or watching a movie. Eventually wearing glasses will be part of their daily routine.

Being consistent is key — for example, putting on glasses after breakfast and praising your child every morning will help them remember to put them on.

How do I care for my child’s glasses?

You can teach your child how to care for their glasses. For example, never put them on a surface with the lenses facing down, since this can scratch them.

If the glasses get dirty, wipe them with a soft cloth. Keep them in a case when they’re not using them.

Remind your child to always be gentle with their glasses — never throw them, bend them or let other kids try them on.

Resources and support

For more information:

Read more on the costs of children’s health care, including vision care at Services Australia.

To find an optometrist near you, and to check if they bulk bill, use the Service Finder tool.

FIND A HEALTH SERVICE — The Service Finder can help you find doctors, pharmacies, hospitals and other health services.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

Last reviewed: June 2022

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Need more information?

Amblyopia (lazy eye) -

Amblyopia is a common cause of reduced vision in children, sometimes known as 'lazy eye'. Usually one eye is affected, but sometimes both.

Read more on MyDoctor website

Blindness & low vision: 0-18 years | Raising Children Network

Blindness and low vision includes reduced, blurred and restricted vision. Early intervention is important for children who have low vision or are blind.

Read more on website

Children and Youth Library | Vision Australia. Blindness and low vision services

The Vision Australia Library has a variety of resources and services for young people who are blind, have low vision or have a print disability.

Read more on Vision Australia website

Children with dyslexia are becoming bookworms thanks to the Vision Australia library | Vision Australia. Blindness and low vision services

The Vision Australia Library isn’t just for people who are blind or have low vision. It’s become a haven for people with print disabilities who regularly access books, magazines and newspapers in accessible formats. Children with dyslexia are some of the most popular users of the Vision Australia Library, said Sarah Bloedorn, the coordinator of children’s and young adult’s library services.

Read more on Vision Australia website

Early Intervention Vision Services • NextSense

For children who are blind or have low vision, tailored opportunities for early learning build confidence and set the foundations for higher learning and critical life skills.

Read more on NextSense website

What is vision loss and low vision? • NextSense

NextSense are experts in low vision, vison loss and blindness. We provide individual programs for your child and family. Contact NextSense today.

Read more on NextSense website

Low vision assessments, vision loss • NextSense

We provide specialist and functional vision assessments to determine the level of your child's vision, vision development, and work with you to develop strategies for your child.

Read more on NextSense website

Optometrist: guide for parents & children | Raising Children Network

If your child has eye or vision problems, an optometrist can work out what the problem is and how best to treat it. Read about optometrists and children.

Read more on website

Children with vision loss: What can they see?

Read more on Vision Australia website

Eyesight in children

Good eyesight is important for your child's learning and development. Learn more about vision problems and what you can do to help your child.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Call us and speak to a Maternal Child Health Nurse for personal advice and guidance.

Need further advice or guidance from our maternal child health nurses?

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