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Fifth disease (slapped cheek disease)

7-minute read

Key facts

  • Fifth disease is a common childhood viral illness.
  • Most children with fifth disease have a 'slapped cheek' appearance, plus a lacy rash on the chest and limbs.
  • Symptoms can vary between children, and there can be very few symptoms.
  • Most children do not need any treatment and can be looked after at home.

What is fifth disease?

Fifth disease is a common childhood viral illness. It got its name from being the fifth in a list of historical childhood illnesses that causes skin rashes.

Fifth disease is also called:

  • parvovirus B19
  • slapped cheek disease
  • erythema infectiosum

The name ‘slapped cheek disease’ comes from the red rash that makes your cheeks look like they’ve been slapped.

It’s a common infection — about 1 in 2 adults have been infected during their childhood. Once you have had fifth disease, you will generally be immune for life.

What are the symptoms of fifth disease?

In children, the symptoms of fifth disease are often mild and you may not notice them. The first symptoms in a child may include a:

After a few days, they may have a bright red rash on their cheeks. This looks like the mark left by a slap.

Your child may also have a pink, lacy rash on their trunk and limbs. This may sometimes be itchy.

The rash usually clears up in 7 to 10 days. However, it may come and go for a few weeks, especially if exposed to sun or after exercise.

A few children may get pain in the joints of their hands and feet.

Adults with fifth disease may not have any symptoms at all. Or they may have the rash, joint pain and swelling or both. Joint pain and swelling is more common in adults. The joint pain can take 1-2 weeks to go away, but can last longer.

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What causes fifth disease?

Fifth disease, or slapped cheek disease, is a viral infection caused by human parvovirus B19.

How is fifth disease spread?

The virus is spread through contact with infected respiratory secretions, such as through coughing and sneezing. It may also be passed from mother to unborn baby.

The incubation period for fifth disease varies from 4 to 20 days. This is the time between you being infected and developing symptoms.

How long am I infectious with fifth disease?

You are infectious with fifth disease before the rash appears. Once the rash appears, the condition can no longer be passed on.

Children with slapped cheek are contagious until 24 hours after their fever has gone.

Fifth disease is very infectious. It will infect around half of all previously uninfected household contacts and up to 1 in 5 school contacts.

When should I see my doctor?

You should contact your doctor immediately if your child has been in contact with human parvovirus and they:

See your doctor if your child is unwell with a fever and a skin rash that does not blanch (disappear) when you press on it. This may be a sign of meningococcal infection.

If you are pregnant and have been exposed to someone with fifth disease, speak with your doctor or midwife.

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How is fifth disease diagnosed?

Doctors can often diagnose fifth disease by noting the characteristic rash during a physical examination.

Blood tests may be done if you are at risk of complications. The blood tests detect antibodies to fifth disease, which can show both an active infection and previous infections.

ASK YOUR DOCTOR — Preparing for an appointment? Use the Question Builder for general tips on what to ask your GP or specialist.

How is fifth disease treated?

Fifth disease is caused by a virus (parvovirus), so antibiotics will not be effective. Instead, treatment aims to managing the symptoms, and can usually be done at home.

If your child has fifth disease:

Adults with fifth disease may need to rest or take ibuprofen if they have joint pain. Your doctor or pharmacist will be able to advise if ibuprofen is suitable for you.

Can fifth disease be prevented?

There is currently no vaccine to prevent fifth disease.

Frequent hand washing is recommended to reduce the spread of fifth disease.

Exclusion from school and work is not likely to stop the spread of fifth disease. This is because people are contagious before they get the rash.

Complications of fifth disease

Fifth disease is usually mild in children and adults who are healthy.

But in some people, fifth disease can cause serious health problems. These can affect the nerves, joints or blood system.

In people with certain blood disorders or with a weakened immune system, fifth disease may cause anaemia.

What if I get fifth disease while pregnant?

If you are pregnant and come into contact with fifth disease, see your doctor or midwife as soon as possible.

Usually, there are no serious complications for you or you baby following exposure to fifth disease.

About half of all women have had fifth disease previously and are immune to parvovirus. This protects both you and your baby.

Even if you aren’t immune to fifth disease, the illness is usually mild and doesn’t affect your baby.

Rarely, an unborn baby can develop anaemia or fluid accumulation (hydrops fetalis) from a parvovirus infection during pregnancy. This can lead to miscarriage, and more commonly happens during the first half of pregnancy.

Resources and support

If you have questions about fifth disease you can call the healthdirect helpline on 1800 022 222 (known as NURSE-ON-CALL in Victoria). A registered nurse is available to speak with 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

Learn more here about the development and quality assurance of healthdirect content.

This information was originally published on healthdirect - Fifth disease (slapped cheek disease).

Last reviewed: March 2024

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Need more information?

Slapped cheek or fifth disease: children | Raising Children Network

Slapped cheek disease, also called fifth disease, is a mild viral illness. Symptoms include a red rash on the cheeks. You can usually treat it at home.

Read more on website

Slapped cheek disease or fifth disease (Parvovirus) factsheet | The Sydney Children's Hospitals Network

Slapped cheek disease is a viral disease. It gets this name because, early in the infection, the child's cheeks may be bright red, as if they have been slapped. 

Read more on Sydney Children's Hospitals Network website

ACD A-Z of Skin - Erythema Infectiosum

A-Z OF SKIN Erythema Infectiosum BACK TO A-Z SEARCH What is it? Also known as…Parvovirus B19 Infection, Fifth Disease or “Slapped Cheek” Disease What is Erythema Infectiosum? Erythema Infectiosum is usually a harmless childhood viral infection characterised by a classic slapped-cheek appearance or a lacy patterned rash

Read more on Australasian College of Dermatologists website

Fifth disease -

If your child (or you) has been unwell with what you think is the flu and later develops bright red cheeks, fifth disease may be the cause.

Read more on MyDoctor website

Childhood rashes -

Distinguish between the childhood rashes of rubella (German measles), measles, chickenpox and fifth disease ('slapped cheek' disease).

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Common childhood rashes

Childhood rashes, like eczema, ringworm, and impetigo are common. They often vanish on their own. Learn about symptoms and treatments.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

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