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Pathology Tests Explained

Pathology Tests Explained is a not-for profit organisation that provides information about pathology tests.

It is funded principally by the Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine (AACB), one of pathology’s peak bodies representing many of the professionals who work in laboratories.

Vision and mission

The aim of Pathology Tests Explained is to provide you with information about pathology testing that you can rely on as being accurate and authoritative. The content is written by practicing pathologists and scientists including some of Australia’s leading experts who work in public or private pathology laboratories or hold appointments with professional societies, all in Australia.

How Pathology Tests Explained can help

Pathology Tests Explained can help by providing all you need to know about the pathology tests that will be used to diagnose, treat, and manage any illness you have.

They can help if you:

  • have been asked to have tests
  • have a diagnosis but aren’t sure what lies ahead
  • are managing a chronic illness
  • are caring for someone having tests
  • are a health professional looking for information to pass on to a patient or seeking a quick resource for yourself

Recommended links

This information was originally published on healthdirect - Pathology Tests Explained.

Last reviewed: May 2022

Information from this partner

Found 19 results

Maternal screening | Pathology Tests Explained

The maternal serum screening tests involve the measurement of different pregnancy-associated hormones, which are found in all pregnancies. 

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Urinary tract infection (UTI) testing | Pathology Tests Explained

A UTI is an infection of one or more parts of the urinary tract. The urinary tract consists of two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. The kidney

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Blood group | Pathology Tests Explained

A blood group is commonly performed as part of a group of tests. These tests include ABO and RhD blood groups, a blood group antibody screen and a crossmatch

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Toxoplasmosis | Pathology Tests Explained

Toxoplasmosis testing is performed in order to detect and diagnose a current or past Toxoplasma gondii infection. T. gondii is a microscopic parasite that in

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Iron studies | Pathology Tests Explained

Iron is needed to help form adequate numbers of normal red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron is a critical part of haemoglobin, the p

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Blood group antibody screen | Pathology Tests Explained

A blood group antibody screen is a group of tests that includes the ABO and RhD blood groups, a blood group antibody screen and identification of any blood g

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Rubella | Pathology Tests Explained

Rubella is a viral infection that causes a fine red rash and flu-like symptoms, such as a high temperature, headache and a general feeling of being unwell. T

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Prolactin | Pathology Tests Explained

Prolactin is a 23kD sized hormone produced by the lactotroph cells of the pituitary gland, a grape-sized organ found at the base of the brain. Normally prese

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von Willebrand factor | Pathology Tests Explained

Von Willebrand factor (vWF) testing measures the quantity of the protein present in the blood and how well it functions. vWF is a blood-clotting protein and

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Vitamin D | Pathology Tests Explained

Vitamin D is vital for the growth and health of bone; without it, bones will be soft, malformed, and unable to repair themselves normally, resulting in the d

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