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Appetite changes and food aversions during pregnancy
It's common to experience food cravings or a food aversion during pregnancy. Find out how to ensure you continue to eat healthily if this affects you.
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How much food at 4 to 5 years?
As your child grows, so will their appetite, but not all kids will eat the same amount of food.
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High energy diets for children
A high energy and high protein diet can help your child if they are underweight or recovering from an illness. Learn what foods make up a high energy diet.
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Healthy drinks for kids
There are no shortage of drink varieties in Australia, but the best drinks you can give your kids are water and milk.
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Postnatal depression
Many women experience the 'baby blues' after pregnancy, but when feelings persist beyond these early days, it may be a sign of depression.
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Healthy eating habits for children
Encouraging your children to make healthy food habits when they’re young will help them make the best choices for themselves as they grow up.
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Depression and pregnancy
Pregnancy can have its ups and downs, but lingering feelings of helplessness, isolation or negative thoughts may be a sign of antenatal depression.
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Pregnancy at week 21
At week 21, you should consider whether to do any travel since you may not be able to for much longer in your pregnancy.
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Toddler development: Learning to feed themselves
Feeding themselves, even if it's messy, is an important part of your toddler's development. Learn how to teach your toddler to feed themselves.
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Fathers and depression
There is widespread belief that antenatal and postnatal depression (PND) are experienced only by women, but research and anecdotal evidence suggest that PND can affect fathers too.
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