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Constipation in children
Constipation in kids is quite common and isn't usually caused by something serious. Here's how to help your child when they're constipated.
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Constipation in babies (0 to 1 years)
Constipation is when your baby’s stool is hard and dry, making it difficult to pass poo. Read on to learn what’s normal, or how to treat constipation.
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Constipation during pregnancy
Constipation is common during pregnancy. Learn about the causes, and how you can prevent or reduce symptoms, both before and during your pregnancy.
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Baby poo colour chart
Just what can you expect to see in your baby's nappy? What you find may surprise you, but your baby's poo can tell you a lot about their health.
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Poos and wees
Babies have very delicate skin and need changing soon after they wet themselves or passed a stool (poo) to prevent nappy rash and stop them from smelling.
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Bedwetting in children
Bedwetting is common in young children and often gets better on its own. Find out when to see your doctor and how to help your child with bedwetting.
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Haemorrhoids during pregnancy
Haemorrhoids are an uncomfortable but common condition during pregnancy. Find out about what causes haemorrhoids and how to treat them.
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What's in the nappy? - video
It may not sound like fun, but checking your baby's poos and wees will help monitor their health and wellbeing.
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Umbilical hernia in babies
Umbilical hernias are common in babies. They cause a soft lump near your baby’s belly button (umbilicus), and usually go away on their own.
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Bladder weakness (incontinence) after birth
Leaking urine (wee) after childbirth is very common. It can be embarrassing and inconvenient, but there are ways to improve bladder incontinence.
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