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Living with overweight, being pregnant and giving birth
Living with overweight or obesity while pregnant and giving birth means you or your baby may face challenges. Here’s how to make it easier for you both.
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Healthy eating for your child
A good diet is important for your child’s development and can reduce their risk of obesity and some diseases. Learn more about healthy eating.
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Weight gain in pregnancy
As your baby grows, you will gain weight. How much you gain depends on your weight before pregnancy. Lean more about healthy weight gain in pregnancy.
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High blood pressure in pregnancy
High blood pressure in pregnancy is common and usually disappears after birth. It can signal a serious condition called pre-eclampsia.
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The first 1,000 days
Your child’s experiences during pregnancy and early childhood impact their health and wellbeing later on. Give your child the best possible start.
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Bow legs and knock knees in children
Bow legs and knock knees are a normal part of a child's growth and they usually correct naturally. Find out when to see your doctor.
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Anatomy of pregnancy and birth - uterus
Your uterus is your baby's home during pregnancy. Read how the uterus works and how it changes during pregnancy, labour and after you give birth.
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Bladder and bowel incontinence during pregnancy
Incontinence of your bladder (wee) or bowel (poo) is quite common during pregnancy. Find out what causes it, and how you can help prevent it.
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Pregnancy normally lasts about 40 weeks or around 280 days from the first day of your last period, however some women go overdue.
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Fetal distress
Fetal distress refers to changes in your baby' s heartbeat that may signal a problem. Your baby may need closer monitoring or an assisted birth.
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