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Pregnancy at week 38

5-minute read

Your baby

Your baby is now ready to be born. They may still have some lanugo – fine hair – on their body, but it has mostly disappeared by now. They are probably still covered in vernix, a white, creamy film that protects their skin from the amniotic fluid they are surrounded by in your uterus.

The meconium inside your baby’s bowel can sometimes be released during labour. If this happens, it would turn the amniotic fluid green. Your baby would then need to be monitored more closely since it could be a sign they are in distress.

Your body

You could go into labour at any time between now and 42 weeks. You might notice early signs of labour, which include pressure in your pelvis, cramps or tightening like period pains, backache or diarrhoea. You might have a ‘show’ – when a plug of mucus comes out of your vagina – or your waters might break, either as a trickle or a gush.

You will know if you are in labour when you have strong, regular contractions that last for at least a minute each.

You are probably feeling tired and uncomfortable, but some women get a burst of energy in the last few weeks of pregnancy. You may feel like you need to prepare the house for the baby. Just be careful not to overexert yourself, and make regular time to rest too.

Things to remember

Every labour is different. Some labours can be very slow, taking hours or days to progress into active labour. But sometimes, things can move very quickly.

It’s a good idea to have a plan in place for what to do when labour starts. Your doctor or midwife will have discussed with you when to go to the hospital or birth centre, if that your chosen place of birth. It’s a good idea to give your doctor or midwife a call when you think you are in labour.

Make sure you know how you will get to the hospital or birth centre when the time comes. Do not drive yourself. If for some reason you can’t contact your partner or support person, make sure you have another way of getting there.

Resources and support

Speak to your doctor, midwife or obstetrician if you have questions about your pregnancy.

Pregnancy, Birth and Baby also has more information on:

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

NEXT WEEK...YOUR PREGNANCY AT WEEK 39 — Learn about your pregnancy journey and what is happening to you and your baby.

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Last reviewed: August 2023

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Need more information?

38 weeks pregnant | Raising Children Network

38 weeks pregnant? In this pregnancy week by week guide, find out how your baby is growing, how your body is changing and how to look after yourself.

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Giving birth to twins

Twins are more likely to be born early, often before 38 weeks, so it's important to understand your birth options, complications and special care.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Early signs of pregnancy

If you have a regular menstrual cycle, the most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Find out some other early signs that you are pregnant.

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Pregnant with twins? About twin pregnancy | Raising Children Network

Pregnant with twins? Twin pregnancy can have more complications, so you’ll need more check-ups. Here’s what to expect in your pregnancy and antenatal care.

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Fraternal twins & identical twins | Raising Children Network

Knowing whether you’re having fraternal twins or identical twins can be important for your antenatal care and also for your children’s health later in life.

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Third trimester: pregnancy week by week | Raising Children Network

Pregnant? In our pregnancy week by week guide, you can find out what to expect and follow your baby's development during the third trimester.

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Pregnancy at week 37

By the end of week 37, your baby is considered full-term. You'll probably be very tired because of the extra weight so try and get as much rest as you can.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Glossary of pregnancy and labour

Glossary of common terms and abbreviations used in pregnancy and labour.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Pregnancy - week by week - Better Health Channel

Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters and lasts around 40 weeks. Includes details of what happens each week from conception to birth, embryo size, baby development and where to get help.

Read more on Better Health Channel website

Pregnancy: blood tests, ultrasound & more | Raising Children Network

In pregnancy, you’ll be offered blood tests, ultrasound scans, urine tests and the GBS test. Pregnancy tests identify health concerns for you and your baby.

Read more on website

Call us and speak to a Maternal Child Health Nurse for personal advice and guidance.

Need further advice or guidance from our maternal child health nurses?

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