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When to tell people you are pregnant

5-minute read

For many women, choosing the right time to tell family and friends that they are pregnant is hard. There is no right answer. But there are several things you may wish to think about when making this decision.

Ask yourself the questions below to help work out what’s right for you.

Who should I tell first?

If you have a partner, the decision about who to tell, as well as when and how, is best made with them.

In many ways, it may be harder to tell close family and friends that you are pregnant than people you do not know as well. So, it may be worth planning who you will tell first about your pregnancy and how you will do it.

You may decide you want to tell your family and close friends first. Then they will be available to provide support as early as possible.

How do I tell them?

Close friends and family may prefer to be told personally.

It’s worth remembering that if you announce your pregnancy on social media, you may have little control over who views your announcement and when. These public announcements may draw significant attention, personal stories, and advice, which may or may not be invited and/or wanted.

How do I tell someone who’s infertile or lost a baby?

When you tell people you are pregnant, your friends and family will almost certainly be very happy for you. But some people may not be able to show their happiness for you as enthusiastically as others. Those who have lost a baby, or are having trouble getting pregnant may find the news difficult.

It may help to tell these friends in private and before you tell others, letting them know you realise your news may not be easy for them.

What if I tell people I’m pregnant and then have a miscarriage?

Many women choose to delay announcing a pregnancy at least until the end of the first trimester (12 weeks into their pregnancy). This is usually because of concerns about the risk of miscarriage (pregnancy loss) during this time.

When deciding the right time to tell people you are pregnant, you might want to think about how you would handle a miscarriage were it to happen. Many people would consider a miscarriage so devastating that they would be too distressed to discuss it with others.

On the other hand, by telling people you are pregnant, support may be available in the event of a miscarriage.

When should I tell my employer that I’m pregnant?

Unless your doctor has told you it is unsafe, it is possible to work while you are pregnant.

There is no law saying you need to tell your employer at any specific time that you are pregnant. But both Australian law and your employment contract, agreement or award (if you have one) will include certain rights and responsibilities.

You need to give your employer at least 10 weeks notice if you are planning to take parental leave. You must give them written notice of your leave and return dates. These dates should be confirmed at least 4 weeks before your leave starts.

It’s a good idea to tell your employer you are pregnant before they hear it from somebody else. That’s because there may have to be some changes made to your working arrangements. For example, you may have to avoid certain tasks that are a health and safety risk, depending on what your work involves.

In Australia, you are protected by law against discrimination during pregnancy. That means you cannot be treated unfairly because you are pregnant. This means you can’t be sacked, given fewer hours, or overlooked for a promotion because you are pregnant.

When should I tell my colleagues?

Early in your pregnancy you may experience symptoms such as tiredness or morning sickness. You may also need to take time off for appointments.

This could affect both your personal and working relationships with your co-workers if they don’t know why it’s happening. It’s often a good idea to tell your co-workers you are pregnant once you have told your boss.

A workplace can offer significant personal support during pregnancy. It may be especially valuable should you experience pregnancy complications.

Speak to a maternal child health nurse

Call Pregnancy, Birth and Baby to speak to a maternal child health nurse on 1800 882 436 or video call. Available 7am to midnight (AET), 7 days a week.

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Last reviewed: May 2023

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Need more information?

Working while pregnant: tips | Raising Children Network

Working while pregnant can be challenging. Get practical tips for managing pregnancy symptoms, working through pregnancy and planning your return to work.

Read more on website

Working during pregnancy

UnIess your doctor tells you it is unsafe, you can continue working while pregnant. Read about managing your health and your career during pregnancy.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Pregnancy & work: rights & entitlements | Raising Children Network

Pregnant and working? Read this article for essential information on pregnancy and work, workplace rights, work duties, parental and maternity leave.

Read more on website

Pregnancy tests

Find out how a home pregnancy test works, how soon a test will read positive and what to do if your pregnancy test shows that you are pregnant.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Working during pregnancy

Many expectant parents will continue to work until late into their pregnancy. There are often several decisions to make around work during this time based on health, finances, family circumstances and professional needs. Supportive workplaces can help to make this transition a smooth process and there are also strategies you can do to assist in this transition.

Read more on Gidget Foundation Australia website

Working through Pregnancy

COPE's purpose is to prevent and improve the quality of life of those living with emotional and mental health problems that occur prior to and within the perinatal period.

Read more on COPE - Centre of Perinatal Excellence website

Returning to work

Deciding to return to work after having a baby can be a big change for everyone. Find some practical tips to help you make this decision.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Pregnant? Working through your options | Family Planning NSW

A booklet for people who have an unintended pregnancy (or those who work with them) and are unsure of what to do.

Read more on Family Planning Australia website

Travelling during Pregnancy

Many women will travel during pregnancy for work, recreation and visiting friends and relatives. In general, the second trimester is the safest and most comfortable time to travel. The chance of miscarriage is very small, nausea and vomiting are likely to have settled and physical constraints have not yet begun to limit your movement.

Read more on RANZCOG - Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists website

Working out your due date

Work out your due date using the first day of your last period or ultrasound. Learn why an accurate due date matters and when to see your doctor.

Read more on Pregnancy, Birth & Baby website

Call us and speak to a Maternal Child Health Nurse for personal advice and guidance.

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